Welcome to my blog about horsey life in the North East - the good bits, bad bits, endless coffees and plenty of mud!

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

And now, the news

Well I've had a couple of weeks off from the blog. I wish I could say its because I've been teaching Cady to jump five-bar gates, but I haven't.
I've just been a bit lazy really and since I was off work last week I was nowhere near a computer...
Anyway, here's the news in brief.
1. Cady thinks her new yearling field companion, Honey, is her long lost foal and is behaving slightly like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction in a bid to keep her to herself.

2. Harvey has a cut on his leg (boo!) but it's not serious (Hurrah!) He has been remarkably wimpy about having it cleaned and keeps turning round to angle  deeply hurt looks at me.
3. Cady and I have been going on walks together (in-hand) and even done two tiny hacks. By tiny I mean no more than 200 yards. There's been a considerable amount of reversing and attempted rearing, but Rome wasn't built in a day and if I have to piddle around the arena one more time I'm going to scream.
4. Yesterday they had a holiday while my friend and I took my throwing knives for a road test. Not strictly horse-related news but I can recommend it as a marvellous stress-buster...

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